IXINITY Savings Program
- Women and Hemophilia B
- IXINITY Savings Program
- Ixinity Savings Program
The IXINITY Savings Program.*
You can save up to $12,000 annually.
Actual savings may vary depending on your individual health insurance coverage.
If you have commercial health insurance, you can save up to $12,000 a year for your treatment with no income requirements or caps and no additional monthly limits.
Starting the savings is easy.*
- Have your IXINITY® prescription ready.
- Call Core Connections at 1-855-IXINITY (1-855-494-6489) to receive your savings card information e-mail.
- Give your savings card information to the pharmacy when you purchase IXINITY.
See the IXINITY Savings Card Terms and Conditions below.

Program does not cover government healthcare costs (Medicare, Medicaid, and TRICARE) or costs associated with therapy administration. Actual savings may vary depending on your individual health insurance coverage. Other restrictions may apply, and a US prescriber and pharmacy are required. Medexus Pharma, Inc. reserves the right to rescind, revoke, or amend this offer without notice.
May depend on your individual health insurance.
IXINITY Savings Card Terms and Conditions:
OFFER TERMS: By using the IXINITY Savings Card, you acknowledge that you currently meet the eligibility criteria and will comply with the terms and conditions described below:
Offer only valid for patients with commercial prescription insurance. Offer not valid for prescriptions reimbursed under any federal or state healthcare program, including Medicare, Medicaid, or any state medical assistance programs. By using this card, the patient agrees not to submit a claim for reimbursement under any such program. Patient further agrees to comply with any terms of his or her health insurance contract requiring notification to his or her payor of the existence and/or value of this offer. Offer only valid in the USA. Offer void where prohibited by law, taxed, or restricted. It is illegal to sell (or offer to sell), purchase, or trade this card. Medexus Pharma, Inc. reserves the right to rescind, revoke, or amend this offer at any time without notice. Product dispenses only pursuant to program rules and federal and state laws. This is not insurance.